
Minecraft Cellular Automaton in Typescript

This project aims to recreate minecraft redstone as a cellular automaton, coded in Typescript. To close this guide click the ? at the top right of the screen.

This project is still highly experimental. When the version increases, the guide will reappear, settings reset and worlds lost.

Current Build: ...


  • Pan around the world map by click + drag mouse.
  • Scale the world map using the mouse ctrl + scroll wheel.
  • Switch between items in the inventory with the mouse scroll wheel.
  • Left click will place a block if the location is air, if the block is interactable it will interact with the block, otherwise it will pick the block. Block interaction includes cycling the delay of a redstone repeater or toggling a lever.
  • Ctrl + right click will delete a block.
  • Ctrl + left click will pick the block.
  • Right click will display the live block state in a text panel. Clicking on an air block will close the text panel
  • Select an area of blocks using ctrl + click + drag mouse. The selection can be pasted at the mouse position using ctrl + v or downloaded via command.
  • Delete an area of blocks using ctrl + shift + click + drag mouse.


  • Press e to log a block to the (browser) console.
  • Press a to toggle the visibility of the inventory search panel.
  • Press z to toggle between viewing ticks or subticks.
  • Press x to step a tick.
  • Press c to set the tick speed back to default.
  • Press v to set the tick speed to as fast as possible.


Use the command terminal to run commands including:

  • Set update and render speeds
  • Load, delete and download worlds
  • List and pick blocks
  • Toggle debug and command window visibility

The command terminal is located on the bottom left corner of the screen. To open the terminal click on it or press /.

  • Press tab to switch between command suggestions
  • Press up to switch between commands in your history

Use the /world clear and /world load ? commands to load the latest demo world!


View the source code on GitHub.