

Mechanical Engineer

(and coding enthusiast!)

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About Me

Hello, I am Jack, a mechanical engineer who loves coding! This website shows off some of my academic and personal projects.

The Start

My coding journey began with designing a Caesar shift encoder & decoder in QB64 for a school project.

Whilst I never took Computing for GCSE or A level I continued to improve my coding ability, learning Python, Java and then C++. (most often in the form of games!).


At Warwick University my breadth of coding languages increased, learning MATLAB as part of my mechanical engineering course.

For my 3rd year project I taught myself C++ to design a molecule communication simulator, then web languages (HTML,CSS & JS) for my 4th year project, creating a heat pump simulation website.

AcCoRD 2.0

AcCoRD (Actor-based Communication via Reaction-Diffusion) is a simulation tool for molecular communication. AcCoRD 2.0 is a completely redesigned version of the original simulator (built in C) using C++.

Environments are defined in JSON and are passed as a command line argument to the simulator which outputs data on molecule location and counts using a custom binary format.

The output data can then be visualised using MATLAB. Find the code along with videos demonstrating the simulations on GitHub.


A recreation of the classic arcade game Asteriods made using a custom built game engine written in Java.


A recreation of Minesweeper made using the SFML library in C++.

Pacman C++

A recreation of the classic arcade game Pacman made using the SFML library in C++.


A recreation of the classic arcade game Pacman built in MATLAB. This required extensive vectorisation to achieve a satisfactory frame rate.

Watch History

This website, written using HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript will create a list of a Netflix users watched series and films. Check out the source code and website on GitHub.


This website, written using HTML, CSS and vanilla Javascript acts as a scorecard for the card game 'Oh Hell'. It includes score autocompletion and validation checks. Check out the source code and website on GitHub.